
· tm808地下探测器使用方法,tm808地下金属探测器,tm808地下探测器好不好,tm808地下探测器

TM808主要有四个控制旋钮,分别为:1、灵敏度阈值(THRESHOLD):控制TM808机器的开关并用于调节背景音量。2、信号平衡控制(SIGNAL BALANCE)用于调节探测器接收的信号。3、地面平衡(GROUND BALANC...





2、信号平衡控制(SIGNAL BALANCE)用于调节探测器接收的信号。

3、地面平衡(GROUND BALANCE)调节用于取消或者忽略土地中普通的矿物,以此来达到探测最深处的目标。

4、自动(AUTOMATIC THRESHOLD)控制主要用于激@@@活或取消自动。



5. How much do you want to spend?

· 你打算花多少钱?

Metal detecting is a hobby that pays for itself, so don’t think of your new metal detector as an expense; think of it as an investment.


Our advice is simple – buy the best you can afford! The better your detector, the more sensitive it will be and the deeper it will penetrate. In general, the more expensive the detector, the more features and automation it will have, the easier it will be to tune, and the more versatile and durable it will be. Whatever your budget, be it $200, $500, $1000, or more, you can find THE BEST option for you by checking our 'Metal Detectors by Price' section.


Remember… the wealth you find with your detector adds up quickly. A single killer find like a diamond ring, gold bracelet, or an old coin with a rare mint mark could pay for your detector and then some. We hear from people nearly every week about that 'one find' that paid for their detector – it*s far more common than you think.


6. How much experience do you have?

· 你有多少探宝经验?

Don’t worry if you’ve never metal detected before. Most modern machines feature Quick Start settings that make treasure hunting as easy as installing batteries and turning on the machine. With the push of a button, pre-set discrimination settings let you zero-in on things like old coins, diamond rings, and gold nuggets while filtering out iron junk. Automatic tuning helps you calibrate your detector for different ground conditions and cancel out interference from power lines. You don’t have to master everything about your detector right away – the in-depth features will be waiting for you when you’re ready for them.





2、信号平衡控制(SIGNAL BALANCE)用于调节探测器接收的信号。

3、地面平衡(GROUND BALANCE)调节用于取消或者忽略土地中普通的矿物,以此来达到探测最深处的目标。

4、自动(AUTOMATIC THRESHOLD)控制主要用于激@@@活或取消自动。




1. 5 Simple Questions to Ask

Before You Spend Your CashDon’t buy blind!


Answer these questions and find the right metal detector for the right money.


Metal detecting is one of the fastest growing hobbies in the world and can reward you with new friends, time with your family, and plenty of valuables dug up from the earth. If you’re new to the hobby, the sheer number of detectors on the market can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are a few simple questions you can ask yourself to help narrow down the field and find the perfect metal detector for you.


1. What are you trying to find?

· 你要找什么?

If you want to try to find a little bit of everything – coins, jewelry, relics, or even gold nuggets – you’ll need an all-purpose metal detector. The Pioneer 505, Garrett ACE 250 or 350, the Minelab E-Trac, and the entire line of MP Series Metal Detectors are perfect for finding just about anything.

如果你什么东西都要去找找看——硬bi、珍宝、遗迹,或者金粒——那么,你需要的是全功能金属探测器。适合的型号有:Pioneer先锋 505, Garrett盖瑞特 ACE 250 或 350, Minelab E-Trac, 以及MP 的全线产品。

If you want to concentrate on hunting coins and jewelry, you*ll need an all-purpose metal detector with exceptional pinpointing and discrimination features, such as the Titan 9000, Fisher F5, Fisher F70, or Treasure Commander TC2X.

如果你只关注硬bi和珠宝,你需要一款带有精@@@确定位功能以及垃圾金属剔除功能的全功能探测器,比如Titan泰坦 9000, Fisher费舍尔 F5, Fisher费舍尔 F70, or Treasure Commander珍宝特种兵 TC2X.(以上品牌汉语名称为直译,可能有误,下同)

If you’re after bigger, richer targets, such as artifacts and buried treasure caches, we recommend the Garrett GTI 2500 with Eagle Eye and Fisher Gemini III. For big treasure that’s buried really deep, Nokta Golden Sense and Golden King are favorites of serious treasure hunters.

如果你找的东西很大、很多,比如古董或窖藏(一包、一罐钱币等),推荐使用带鹰眼的Garrett盖瑞特 GTI 2500 and Fisher费舍尔 Gemini III. 对于埋藏很深的大件金属物品,可以选用 Nokta Golden Sense and Golden King探金王

If you want to prospect for natural gold nuggets and flakes, you*ll need a detector that operates at a higher frequency, such as the Minelab Eureka Gold, Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Pack, any of the Fisher Gold Bugs, or the deep-seeking Minelab GPX 5000, a worldwide favorite of gold hunters.

如果你要找的是天然金块或者金片,那得用高频探测器,比如Minelab Eureka Gold, Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Pack, any of the Fisher Gold Bugs, or the 深探 Minelab GPX 5000,这是全球认可的型号。